bikecart header
With comments, questions, or for a copy of "Flatsy" Trailer plans, please write to

Aaron Wieler
bikecart AT

To request a copy of any of the plans, please complete the following form:

Required fields are marked with (*)

Name: *
Email address: * (but Aaron won't write to you unless you give him the ok below. Write "Rather not" if you would prefer not to leave your email address.)
Update me? Send me an email with updated trailer plans as Aaron finishes them
Location, country, state, city, etc: *
What are your plans for building and using these bicycle trailers?
Comments, suggestions, critique:
Connect me? Connect me with other people building bicycle trailers in my area?

Download the one-page "flatsy" trailer overview

this is an open source design.
make a bike cart. use it. then make another one to give to a friend.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License.